Cadeon Featured in Recent TIBCO Blog Article

Cadeon Featured in Recent TIBCO Blog Article

Cadeon CEO Phil Unger was recently featured in a blog article written by Robert Eve, senior director of data management thought leadership at TIBCO Software. Here are some of the highlights from the post.

Anytime a blog article starts off with a Charles Dickens quote, you can expect the subsequent post to be a good one. Such was the case recently when Robert Eve, senior director of data management thought leadership at TIBCO Software, kicked off his latest contribution with the classic opening of A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” – Charles Dickens

So starts the blog by Eve, setting up the essential conundrum posed by the opportunities and challenges bridging data-in-motion and data-at-rest brings with it. The opportunity is to transform your business using data-driven decisions, leading to enthralled and ecstatic customers, operations that are optimized, and hastened innovation.

The challenges, as Eve points out, are myriad.

About Cadeon

Cadeon was founded in 2007 with the goal of providing clients with the best, the fastest and most measurable information at their fingertips. This is done in a unique and effective way using comprehensive, cohesive teams. Combining the skills of experts with cutting-edge technology, Cadeon will save businesses time, money and frustration by implementing proven software and processes to dramatically increase productivity.

Data-in-Motion and Data-at-Rest: A Tale of Two Cities

The challenges outlined by Eve centre around the separation of the teams involved in the respective data-in-motion and data-at-rest camps. He posits whether the two can be combined, making a “one plus one equals three” outcome and quickly responds in the affirmative, using the following the examples:

Risk management in financial trading: Merging real-time trades with up to date positions data which allows risk managers a more fulsome outlook of their portfolio risk.

Optimizing routes: Merging real-time location, weather feeds, and traffic info with truck and driver capabilities and cargo data allowing dispatchers to optimize the performance of their fleet.

Maintenance that can be predicted: Merging real-time machine diagnostics data with the schedules for repair teams and maintenance history of the machines allowing for process engineers to maximize uptime and production.

How Cadeon Combines Data-in-Motion and Data-at-Rest to Provide Value to Its Clients

Cadeon has been an early proponent of combining data-at-rest and data-in-motion to drive transformation, optimize performance, and find efficiencies across operations. As a system integrator that specializes in the energy industry, Cadeon has both large oil and gas clients and smaller yet very successful drilling services clients who use data virtualization to integrate their data-at-rest. Thanks to a recent update, how we help our clients do this has been simplified, allowing them to more easily ingest, integrate, and deliver their mix of in-motion and at-rest data.

This helps producers increase their production and lower their operating and IT costs. For the oilfield services clients, it allows them to bring their new data-driven services to market quicker.

The New Normal?

As we help our clients combine their data-in-motion and data-at-rest to help maximize their operations, drive transformation, accelerate innovation, and optimize their processes, we envision the merger of these two important data sets to be the new normal when it comes to data virtualization.

The $10K Digital Transformation Challenge at Cadeon

Let us lead the way for you with a digital transformation for your business and we promise the value of our services will outweigh your investment. This five-day consulting ‘test drive’ will prove how much your company can benefit from what we have to offer, guaranteed. We’ll get you started down the right path for $10K, or you get it free.

Call Us Today

If you’re ready to take the $10K Digital Transformation Challenge, or want to know more about how Cadeon can help you better use your data to drive transformation, find efficiencies, and spark innovation, contact us today by calling (403) 475-2494 or by filling out or online contact form.

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