4 Ways Spotfire Benefits Your Business

4 Ways Spotfire Benefits Your Business

Are you looking for a business analytics tool that will help your business grow and become more productive? Learn more about the benefits of Spotfire.

In 2018, Spotfire X, the most sophisticated version of Spotfire to date, was launched. The all-new experience is now more agile, augmented, automatic, and accelerated and the team has harnessed the power of AI to augment clients’ knowledge and magnify their skills.

Some of the most significant changes seen with Spotfire X include:

  • Automated data wrangling
  • Spotfire X natively supports streaming data to give you real-time situational awareness about any operating system
  • Improvements in visual analytics
  • Clients can not only edit steps but create completely new transformation flows directly from this data canvas

Customized Spotfire X Training

At Cadeon, we offer customized Spotfire training, for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. Our experienced consultants help you master the program so you can begin enjoying incredible business benefits.

4 Reasons Why You Should Learn How to Use Spotfire

Spotfire is more than just a business intelligence tool. It’s a way you can drive organizational decisions with smart, strategic, and tactical decision making.

If you are considering a Spotfire training course, here are just some of the reasons why you need to take that step now:

1. You’ll Gain Hidden Insights

One of the biggest advantages of Spotfire is that it delivers the fastest time to actionable insights.

By allowing clients to see insights hidden in their data, this innovative tool allows them to:

  • Answer any pressing questions
  • Uncover answers to questions they didn’t know they had
  • Anticipate what happens next

In addition, Spotfire can be used to help your organization make better decisions, take the most appropriate actions, and achieve a competitive advantage within your industry.

2. You’ll Be More Informed

Spotfire boasts easy to use and interpretive visualizations, which enables users to quickly uncover answers to all their questions while revealing unexpected trends, patterns, and outliers that may lie hidden in your data.

This ‘visibility into the unknown’ will help you become more informed and make better decisions, faster than ever.

3. You Can Freely Explore Your Data Without IT Experience

One of the best things about Spotfire is that it allows anyone to freely explore their data, without reliance on IT. The end result is a more productive and agile organization, where IT can encourage data exploration while staying focused on their own strategic activities.

4. You Can Enjoy Incredible Versatility

Spotfire is well known for its universal adaptability. Whether you need operational dashboards delivered on a tablet, exploratory apps on the desktop, or to interact with a predictive application running in a web browser, Spotfire delivers.

What does that mean for my business? This means that users at all levels can act on data-driven insights to make the best possible decisions in the fastest possible time-frame.

Enjoy Greater Business Efficiency and Success

Spotfire is an excellent tool to help you achieve incredible business growth and success, but only if you know how to use it properly. To learn more about our customized Spotfire training, contact us today at (403) 475-2494 or fill out our online contact form.

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