Digital Dementia

Digital Dementia

Are you feeling digitally overwhelmed? Are digital distractions impacting your ability to conduct your business? The Digital Age is here and you can either be distracted by competitors who are leveraging it to their advantage, or you let Cadeon help you plan and implement processes and tools to effectively harness the digital age.

Is it 2019 Already?

We are already a few months into 2019 and I can’t help wonder about what the rest of the year will look like.

The first book I read in 2019 was The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. In this book, there are a number of references to how distracted our civilization is by digital technologies. In this article, I would like to address Digital Distraction and even take it a step further, and call it Digital Dementia. Let me be clear: I am not trying to minimize the seriousness of dementia. In fact, I currently have a parent suffering from it. My reference to dementia is simply to provide the extent of how bad this problem can become and how it can affect your business.

Are You Digitally Overwhelmed?

Have you ever seen someone walking toward you in a mall, down a street or even at the office, clearly on a collision course? Chances are this person has a smartphone in their hand, is partially checked out of the real world, and is trying to coexist in both worlds.

At the end of 2018, I attended and presented at several events. What surprised me most was how many people realize the potential of being connected in their personal lives but struggle to get their business to leverage information in the same way.

Studies have shown that it takes 11 minutes for the average human being to focus and concentrate. However, we get distracted on average every 6 minutes and the number is decreasing every day. As an employer, this is of concern to me and likely the reason why companies like Apple have decided to start banning social media like Facebook in their workplace. How do we help our employees stay focused on the task at hand?

Studies have also shown that employees spend up to 80% of their time looking for information they need to do their jobs and 20% actually using it. Can you see how digital distractions can impact business in a negative way?

Cadeon can help!

All that said, there is good news! Companies like Cadeon are helping customers reverse this equation by automating the Information gathering process as much as possible. We are also teaching them how to use lean edge processes and tools to become more productive. In addition, we help our customers leverage some of the content from social media and many other data services to add value to their businesses.

As business owners or executive leaders, we must embrace this Digital Age and start to leverage the information available to us so we can generate the shareholder value our customers and boards expect.

Reach out to Cadeon to learn how to begin to harness your business’ largest asset and let’s keep our teams focused on using information versus gathering it. The Digital Age is here and you can be distracted by competitors who are leveraging it to their advantage, or you let Cadeon help you plan and implement processes and tools to effectively harness the digital age.

Get The Most From Your Data Visualization

To find out more about how our team of experts and consultants can help you utilize data visualization for business growth and success, contact us at (403) 475-2494 or fill out our online contact form.

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